Children playing with water table outside.

a little bit
about us

Roots of Learning was established in 2015.  Kim and Heather spent 2 years running Roots of Learning as a dayhome.  In October of 2017 we expanded to our location on Preston Ave.   With the move we were able to expand our home into a centre.  Our group now includes 25 kiddos and more staff! 

Roots of Learning Childcare Philosophy 

Roots of Learning prioritizes your child’s well-being and personal growth as the primary elements of the way our centre is run.   We endeavour to provide a secure, loving and comfortable environment wherein our children realize the joy of experiencing life in varied ways, develop and satisfy their natural curiosity and learn to appreciate and respect the humanity of others.  Accordingly, we are guided by the following precepts: 

Encouragement of individuality, creativity and self-acceptance  

We encourage our children to develop and appreciate their individuality and to learn to express themselves widely and freely in accordance with their imagination and ability.  Our programs, taken together, offer many opportunities for choice and for a child to be responsible to him/herself within the limits of his capabilities.  There are opportunities for free play, solitude and for creative expressive activities.  Activities at the Centre stress co-operation and personal achievement rather than competition.  The staff attempts to enhance each child’s self-confidence and self-esteem and to set aside time each day for individual attention. 

Provision for a variety of experiences

We attempt to introduce our children to the diversity of normal human experience by providing a full and varied program. 

Further, we encourage the children to sample as many things (including food) as we can offer. 

Each day, time is set aside for the development of intellectual and problem-solving skills, for creative arts, for learning and the satisfaction of curiosity, for work - including storing toys and participation in food preparation and service (when appropriate), for recreational activities and group exercises, for unstructured play and for rest and solitude. 

Encouragement of tolerance, open-mindedness and respect for others 

We encourage our children to appreciate and respect the diverse nature of humanity.  We care for children of all races and colours, of all religions, of diverse nationalities; we care for children of diverse social and economic backgrounds and, in consultation with professionals and our staff, children with special needs.  For these reasons, and because we believe tolerance and open-mindedness to be desirable, we discourage racial, sexual, national, physical or other harmful stereotyping.

We encourage children to combine individual expression with an awareness of, and respect for, the needs and concerns of others.  We thus attempt to promote their social growth –  working with others, sharing and accepting the limits of group living.  We emphasize co-operation and helpfulness more than competition.  

Self-discipline and respect for the needs and concerns of others 

We attempt to resolve disagreements and encourage compliance with necessary rules by means of clarifying the situation, persuasion, distraction, separating or temporary loss of minor privileges.  We encourage the children to become responsible for their own actions by using a system of logical and/or natural consequences for the particular unacceptable behaviour.  When needed, we seek professional advice with the consent of the parent. 

Maintenance of health and safety 

We endeavour to maintain facilities in which our children are secure from diseases and hazards.  When children contract a serious and contagious or infectious disease, for their health and the health of the remainder of our children, they must be sent home.  Where direct and immediate medical attention is required, we attempt to provide it in accordance with parental instructions. 

We undertake frequent and regular checks for unsafe conditions at the Centre and we have a regular fire drill for the children.  Consultations with Public Health will be arranged as required. 

At the Centre, we provide varied and nutritious meals and snacks for the children.   

We schedule activities to enhance the children’s physical, sensory and motor (fine and large muscle) development.

Medication and special dietary requirements (whether for medical or religious reasons) are dispensed to particular children upon the request of, and with the authorization and provision by, the parent.