Children playing in the daycare yard

frequently asked questions

  • We are open 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

  • Ideally it works well when the parent(s) can spend an hour or two with the child at the daycare two to three times in the two weeks prior to the child’s first official start date. This will give the child an opportunity to play with their new friends and teachers and learn a little about the daycare. It will also give the parent(s) an opportunity to get to know the staff. When parents trust the staff and feel their child will be safe, the child will feel safe and confident as well.

  • Each child is different. Some children cry for a short time and others may cry for several days. Some children do not cry at all. We have experienced it all. If your child cries, please be assured that we will comfort your child and do what we can to assist them in this time. This can take a variety of shapes: a lap to sit on, reading a book with your child, assuring them mommy and/or daddy will be back, finding an activity/toy your child is interested in, etc. Most children cry for a short period of time and then are excited to get involved in the activities and play with their new friends and the toys.

    Experience tells us that if a child is crying or upset when the parent is leaving it is best for the parent to give a simple explanation (i.e. Mommy has to go to work I will be back later in the day) and a short good-bye.

  • Yes, you are welcome to call, text or use the HiMama messaging app. We will reply to any messages as soon as we get a spare minute. Contact numbers will be given out to families once they are registered.

    • if your child has a favourite blanket or stuffed animal for nap/quiet time that can stay at the centre

    • diapers (if applicable), one package of diaper wipes per month – or upon request (if your child is in diapers)

    • water bottle with a straw (not a sippy cup) – please consult your room staff for suggestions if needed

    • 2 – 3 changes of clothing

    • indoor and outdoor shoes

    • clothing specific to the weather:

      • In the winter bring mittens, hats, scarves, boots, snow suit

      • In the summer bring shorts, T-shirts, bathing suit and towel

    * Please label all articles.

  • Children are encouraged to try everything that is served but are not forced to eat. We have found that within the lunch there is usually something that the child will like (i.e. bread, pasta, veggie). We also serve a mid afternoon snack so a child who has not eaten lunch will have another opportunity to eat. Some of the items we serve at lunch may be unfamiliar to the child but over time we find that once the children become familiar with the food, they will eat it.

  • In the health and social resume that you will be completing prior to your child starting daycare there is a question regarding allergies. This information will be posted in the kitchen for the cook and the child’s homeroom for the staff. If it is an allergy to a food that is commonly in our menu we would ask that parents bring alternative food options to replace these items. The cook may be able to make some accommodations.

  • In the health and social resume that you will be completing prior to your child starting daycare there is a question regarding foods not permitted. (i.e. pork for religious reasons). Please complete and the information will be posted in the kitchen for the cook and the child’s homeroom for the staff. We would not serve these foods to your child and would ask that you bring a substitute food for these days. The cook may be able to make some accommodations.

  • We have found that in the interest of the child it is best if they come before 10:30 a.m. In this way they will have an opportunity to play with their friends before lunch and quiet time/nap time. If you are unable to bring your child before 10:30 a.m. then it is best to bring your child after 1:30 p.m. At this time of day the children that are awake are preparing to go outside.

  • It is not a requirement, but it is definitely appreciated.

  • If your child becomes sick at home:
    Please keep your child home until symptoms of illness including but not limited to: fever, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, persistent runny nose, persistent cough, unexplained rash have cleared. We understand sometimes children may have a slight runny nose or occasional cough after the rest of the symptoms have passed. They may return to the centre at this time provided they can fully participate in all the activities at the centre.

    If your child becomes sick while at the centre:
    Each child will be informally assessed during the course of the day. If the child does not seem well or if they appear to have a virus, parents or alternate contacts will be called to come pick up the child. Factors that may have a staff call to have a child picked up include but are not limited to: fever, vomiting, diarrhea, general unwell behaviour, lethargy, persistent runny nose, cough, unexplained rash. We will try to keep the child at the centre as long as they don’t seem to be contagious to the other children and staff and can participate fully in the activities at the centre.

    For communicable diseases we will consult our “Well Beings” book and/or consult Public Health for current information. We encourage parents to inform us if their child has been in contact with a communicable disease or contracted the disease and was absent from the daycare.

  • Guiding children’s behaviour is an important part of the early childhood educator’s role and takes place continually throughout the day. Appropriate behaviour management methods serve to guide children’s behaviour while protecting and enhancing their self-esteem. We use a variety of methods of behaviour management, which include preventative and intervention strategies, depending on the child and the situation. We will most often redirect, provide self calming strategies, and explain the consequences of the behaviour.